How to apply mascara

Mascara is to eyes what morning coffee is to a tired brain, providing an instant wakeup effect. If there’s only time to apply one eye product, reach for the mascara. The boost of colour, curl and definition has undeniable transformative powers and adds the all-important finishing touch to your look.
Regular mascara is a good choice for everyday use.
Waterproof mascara should be saved for when it’s really necessary, as the formulation can be drying and damage the eyelashes. Always remove carefully with an oil-based eye makeup remover.
Fibre mascara takes your look to the next level, adding fullness and length for long, fluffy lashes that get noticed.
The Perfect Mascara Application
• Use an eyelash curler first. Curled eyelashes look more glamorous and enhance the wide-awake look. You can buy an inexpensive eyelash curler from the pharmacy.
• To curl your lashes, compress the curler at the base of your lashes first, bending the lashes upwards as you press down.
• Hold for 15 seconds. Be careful not to pinch your skin.
• Release and move slightly upwards, compress and hold for one second, then release.
• Move slightly upwards, compress and hold for another second, then release.
• You are now ready to apply mascara.
• A common error is pumping the mascara wand in and out of the tube; this pushes air into the tube, causing the mascara to dry out more quickly.
• Twist the wand gently inside the tube to coat, then withdraw the wand, wiping carefully against the edge of the tube or on a tissue to remove any clumps.
• Do your bottom lashes first, to avoid your top lashes smudging when you look down.
• Work from the roots to the tip, moving the wand gently outwards.
• You can hold a small piece of card under your lower lashes to prevent mascara getting on your skin.
• For your top lashes, look straight ahead in the mirror, and apply in a side-to-side motion from the roots to the tips, lifting upwards as you work. This technique separates and lifts the lashes, enhancing curl and definition.
• By applying a heavier coat at the base of the lashes and only lightly coating the tips, the curl will last longer.
• Apply two coats if using a regular or waterproof mascara, for acrylic polymer formulas one coat should be enough. Don’t wait for the first coat to dry before applying the second, and don’t apply more than two, or your mascara will start to clump.
• Don’t use old mascara, it can become contaminated with bacteria due to the contact with your eyes. Replace every 4 months.
• Make sure you give your lashes a rest by removing your mascara at night.
Love Lizzy XOX